Increase Your Google AdSense Earnings

The RPM Adsense or what is the same the remuneration per thousand impressions of your page, it is one of the factors to consider if you are thinking about getting revenue your website or blog.

Increase Your Google AdSense Earnings

You read me or saw in this post formalizing my mind that everyone has their options and that far from assuming what the guru shift say, my position is to experiment and hit or miss but on my own, without me count.
But that's a debate today I'm not going to take, I leave (with your permission) for another time.
How far have come to understand, the RPM of Adsense is only an estimate based on impressions and earnings from your site. That is, a factor to consider for monitoring the performance and productivity that are giving you ads that now samples.
And here it is where come into play two complementary concepts to RPM. The cost per click CPC and CTR (click / visit page) that play an important role in improving RPM Adsense on your blog.
Come on, that although you do not go to monetize this blog, you certainly is already coming curious to discover a little more about is not it? (If not, you know I have to lie)
Improving AdSense RPM
Well, on the basis that the RPM is really an estimate of how much would earn a thousand visits all things being equal, it stands to reason that depends on the number of clicks by the number of visits and the cost per click ads.
If we seek to improve AdSense RPM on our site (ie, whichever is higher) we have two options.
What the CPC exceeds
What your number of clicks per impression up.
¿Mande? .. I repeat!
If like me you is playing Chinese I recommend that you loosen the shoelaces to keep watering good circulation, you are making a good strong coffee and continue. I hope you come ..
.. already? perfect, we continue ..
(I know you're putting me face circumstances, I know) (endures as the brave who already are)
Well, you did not know, AdSense ads appearing on our sites do after an auction process by which advertisers bid to have a presence with its announcement on our sites.
The highest-paying, it is due out in our ad.
Now, it's the advertiser who pays more coming out, does not mean that either a "fair" price and what I mean.
Advertisers set a maximum cost per click and when it is shown that the bid exceeds the second poster which obviously provides a maximum cost per click less than offered by the former.
If the first and the announced departure offers 2 donkeys and a camel, it is because the latter only offers 2 donkeys and sheep.
(Sorry, I had to vent)
I do not know if you pillando..¿¿ ??
In terms offered (the type of advertiser) it depends much on the theme or niche of your site.
It's a great article, you receive a lot of visits .. ie, that is well developed and is extensive, offering a variety of keywords (keywords) will be the trigger for advertisers scramble to get you to dance and bid on your Goldilocks. I upload the maximum cost?
Vale and have the issue here.
How do we get bid up and smacks den advertisers to appear in my blog?
The response would come with the mix to increase the number of advertisers who want to show, and that greater competition in the auction, the higher the price per click and increased maximum CPC of them, since the higher the of each, greater will be the first (to be displayed)
And advertisers will be the same whether I speak of Blogging or trip to Andorra last weekend? Which offer more in the auction?

That is exactly what I want to show you in the next post, because today .. with improved AdSense RPM (or at least know what that is) I think I've already dizzy enough with the donkeys, camels and other species of cultural exchange 

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