Best website niches for adsense

Basically niche means that topic on which you blogging. The high paying niche in Adsense is those which widely search and deal with daily human problems.

People prefer to use internet to find tips and solution of many problems and due to which these high paying niche are among the most popular.
Therefore before start your blogging journey you need to select some those niches which have high paying rate in Google Adsense. But keep in mind that high paying niche is the most competitive one as well so you have to put extra efforts to being ahead in this competition.


1. Finding a niche
1.1 AdWords
Surely you know planner AdWords keywords. Just enter a keyword and it will tell your CPC / Suggested Bid (which cobrarás about for each click on your ads), if advertisers fight a lot for that keyword to provide a lot of money on your ads (competition) and monthly searches. Our keyword must have the following characteristics:
Many searches (I recommend at least 10,000. The more, the better)
Suggested bid with the highest possible price
Medium or high, to make sure that advertisers are interested in that word and have stable earnings with our AdSense ads competition
Avoid brand names, as they are usually positioned in first place and the people, to see the official website, ignored the rest
Not too long to have a memorable name in the domain
In this image we first "used car" as a brand, and we omit the following: "cheap car" has many quests, and much much competition auction, so it would be a great keyword. The trouble is that if we go to Google, we see that the pages are first results have a lot of authority, so it would be very difficult to position. We'll see how competition analyze later.

Best website niches for adsense

Increase Your Google AdSense Earnings by munsabali

1.2. Google Suggestions
This technique is quite simple: look for a keyword you want and below we suggest others because they are also highly sought. But beware! They are highly sought after in the country from which you see Google. If you see it from, these results are optimal for Spanish niche, whether it is from for Mexicans, and so with all.
1.3. Google Instant
My favorite!
Google Instant is what you read mind when looking at a search engine. For example, you are looking for "stores" and you get below a list of possibilities: scrappage scheme stores, shops with ceiling ... I do not know.
Now imagine the following. We have 27 letters of the alphabet, and each is an opportunity that we can use to discover new niches. If we place "recipes to" leave us many words beginning with "a":
Tuna recipes
Rice recipes
Meatball recipes
And many more…
But it is that not only have the "a". We b, c, d, e, f, g ... Thank! How many keywords could get just for recipes? For that, many!
To avoid having to manually testing each letter, there is a very good tool that does the hard work for us. It is Übersuggest, and if we put a keyword, shows us what our chances if we add a word that begins with each letter of the alphabet. Also, if you click on any key word suggestion, leave us even more!
The next step would be more laborious: find the that you think can be better, you enter into the AdWords and look what they have better features, as we have seen (search, best bid suggested ...). And of course, competition in Google, but we'll see later.
And if you want something more professional, you can see this tutorial SEMRush in which I explain how to find good microniches with that tool.
Trick to position several keywords
Although only make the web a specific niche, we can get items within other keywords that also seem to us interesting. For example, if I make a web of "cheap cars", and Google Instant and AdWords "used cars" was also a good choice, I put that word once or twice in an article, and we can get some traffic thanks to that keyword.
2. Now I have my keywords! What I choose?
Maybe you have two or more keywords including not decide because they are very similar. To decide we can do the following:
See which has less competition (as discussed in the last point of the tutorial)
See who is having more popularity lately
To see the popularity and impact it is having a keyword over another will use Google Trends. Its use is so simple that I know use -D. Just put the keywords that we will compare and observe the graph.
For example, if I hesitate between "used cars" or "cheap cars", I placed two and see your progression. As we see, "used cars" falls with the passage of time, unlike "cheap cars", so "cheap cars" would be my best option.

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