earn with Google ad sense |
Recently I attended the Webinar in Spanish while some employees organized by Google where we explained how to increase profits from Google Adsense. As I struggled with the computer I could only hear the final half of the seminar, however, from what I heard, my own experience and what I've read I will give some basic tips to increase your income using this advertising platform:
Contents = = 1. Visits Clicks
We have already spoken on this blog of things SEO and others, however, we do technical ways as they do in other blogs nor say no precise to make things formula, and that, personally all I am 100% sure about the SEO is this equivalence rule I mention here. Use keywords desvivirse giving attributes to links and other is a somewhat frustrating and boring way to give more visibility to your website online. I mentioned them a bit of that in my 5 tips for being a good blogger and entrance on the +1 button. Pure and holy truth is that the more you generate quality content capturing a specific audience based on your interests (in the case of a blog) will have more popularity, because the joke is not writing for a mass of people, but, writing for a niche specific users who seek information and / or guidance in what you write. You need to have quality content quality and even readership. If I have an entry on a case and / or problem that can affect more than one but Google this is not automatically the first results for Internet users will be looking for the same thing. If you follow this rule, you have to not worry about the number of visits or using keywords and a lot of complicated things, you're on track.
The same applies to a Web application: There are programmers and / or users who buy a clone scripts of another application or downloaded from the Internet or create and uploaded to a server, do outreach and expect everyone to use their service, even apply SEO and Optimization Adsense but do not see gains and / or visits as they would like. The thing is that if you do not serve, or would you rather use another service instead of yours for X or Y reason, or if it is simply the same as another but with X or Y shortcomings, it is obvious that people do not attract nor clicks, the idea is to offer quality to the user. If you offer quality, and we are on track to increase visits to our website and therefore profits with Adsense; Just to make something clear: It is obvious that a daily blog where entries are written in May will have more visits than one where one is written, as is also true that a web application that supports traffic more users have more another audience, in both cases we must keep up to compete in the Internet world using the resources at hand.
2. Use of All
There will be people who tell you that text ads earn more than the graphics and vice versa. Some will tell you that the rule is to use larger blocks, others smaller blocks. The truth is, there is no exact formula! Use of everything everywhere, is always set up your ad so that they can display ads from both types, both text and graphics and strategically placed ads in all sizes for your web site.
3. Location, Quantity and Format
Similarly here, there will be people who will tell you that the more ads, higher earnings or fewer ads, higher profits too; Both are right and this is because at X website and can work in combination and can run other website. The most optimal to make money with adsense or improve your income is using a middle way: There's about having many or few ads, but they have placement. That advertising is an enriching part of your site, for example, is blended with the interface and that is important part of it, there are certain websites where advertising simply makes the interface look better, try to accomplish this. Remember that the user will see the ads as advertising, as something to make it ugly ... is they do not feel crammed with ads, but they did not go unnoticed, and this is where we have to think what colors we use and others so a nice advertising and / or part "vital" site becomes:
Contrasting ads or chameleon:
Some people prefer the ads highlight the site, some people like camouflage. the idea is for all this to work, you must go back through the midpoint. This is not to make advertising look "shrill" and let people know it's advertising, or that pass unnoticed in the eyes of the beholder. The most optimal way to make your ads work is doing two things, yes or appear highlighting of the content; But there are ways of doing things: If you want to make stand out, try to use colors that get along with the interface and while not seem too highlight contrasting Be guided by your basic palette colors. The same if you want to make them look like part of the content, is blended without getting lost. Basarte in your color palette can help you a lot, if you do not know, use this utility.
Within this section it seems proper to mention that you have to know how to use and place your ads. Some people will tell you to put them in place X or Y will give you more or less money, but why do not you ... Again If the placing is optimally think two things: A) Which pages are visited most frequently and B) How is my site. If I have a website (or piece thereof) where everything looks very empty, you do not have to think long: there you could put a block of big announcements to make at the same time have a remuneration, the same applies to any type of decision within this paragraph if I have a very crowded part of things, but I can still put an ad, then you have to do if I want to highlight clicks ... Know your site is what will most help at all cases.
4. Do not do silly things (trap)
If you use or have used Adsense as a publisher, you know the rules and I have not explain why, if you're not yet, everything is as simple as reading your contract before activating service. Here are "two moles" is the good and the evil. There will be people who tell you they know cheat the system by themselves or becoming clicks using robots and well, but it's better to do things by way of legality and right before risking to go astray and fail. Note that sooner or later get a reward, do not see why spoil doing things by way of malignancy ... Respect the rules.
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