How you can make money google adsense
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Make Money with Google AdSense may seem so difficult that many people leave the "fight" before starting. The fact is that 90% of bloggers who want to generate income with AdSense fail.
The vast majority earn a few cents a day, others a few dollars and those are the luckiest.
But why is it so hard to generate income with AdSense?
Consider several factors that influence and must present them well if you want to generate revenue with Google AdSense.
Traffic:. It is essential that your blog or website to have an pretty good if you want to make money with AdSense or any other affiliate program traffic, no traffic no sales, no conversions, no clicks, ultimately no business .
Well-targeted ads: Ads that appear on your blog or website must be well targeted to the public who visit your website. I have seen websites that try car and have banners treated as generate income from home. So conversions are void. It is very important that you place keywords near your ads, but because we can not decide which ads to place on our website, if we can use a foolproof technique. The program sends ads on your website, is guided by the words you use around the announcement, so pay close attention and places the appropriate type for AdSense ads sent you chords for your site words.
Size and colors of ads: Another important factor is the size of your ads, it is proven that there are some that make more and others do not make nearly anything. The most used size is the 336 x 280 and has more conversions, then follow 300 x 250 and 250 x 250. If you have room for these sizes of banners are the most indicated. Regarding colors should always be equal to your website and also uses the same font. The best ads are text, do not use images.
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