How to make money with clickbank

    How to make money with clickbank by munsabali
  1. is the biggest digital marketplace in the world and has given birth to multiple 6-7 and even 8 figure earners. Clickbank has been around for over 15 years and has paid out hundreds of millions dollars and sells over 30,000 digital products per day.


  3. 1. How to Make Money With Clickbank - The Simple Step by Step GuideIt is possible for you to make money with Clickbank if you know what you aredoing. I have laid down some easy to follow step by step guides that you canuse to make money with Clickbank. I make money using CB and you too canmake like I do if you put a little commitment, hard work and time into it. You donot need to own a college graduate or an internet marketer before you canearn money using CB.They are two ways to earn dollars with Clickbank. One is by becoming anaffiliate and the other is by becoming a vendor. One of the easiest type is bybecoming an affiliate and that is what I will explain to you right away. In caseyou dont know, when you become a Clickbank affiliate you will be promotingthe products in CB marketplace and when you make a sale, you will becredited with some percentage of the sale.Step 1Sign up with Clickbank as an affiliate. If you have already signed up as anaffiliate then you can proceed to step two. If you notice that CB is not available
  1. 2. to your country, simply sign up with graphcard. When you sign up withgraphcard, create a virtual address. After you have created a virtual addressyou will be provided with a US address unique only to you, use that addressprovided for you to sign up with CB. When CB sends your check to theaddress, it will be forward to your own address in the country where youreside and you can clear them at your bank.Step 2After you have signed up successfully with Clickbank, go to their marketplace.At their marketplace, you will be able to see thousands of products topromote. There are products ranging from health, business, money, dating, fatloss to employment. Select the product of your choice at their category dropbox and search to find them. If you want to view the product website, click onthe view pitch and if you want to get a unique link to product click on createhoplink. The kind of product you choose determines your ability to earn dollarsusing it. There are products which are easy to sale, and hard to sale. Theones that are easy to sale are the profitable ones.Step 3After you have selected the product you want to promote. The next is to find amarketing method which you can use to promote the product. There are freeand paid ways to promote Clickbank products. Some of the free ways arepromoting it through article marketing, submitting it at classified sites, pressrelease, search engine optimization, blog commenting, blogging, socialmarketing, video marketing etc. The paid way to promote is through ppcoffered by Google adwords, yahoo overture and Microsoft adcenter etc. Mostmarketing methods will not allow you to the CB hoplink. You can eitherredirecting it with a domain or create a landing page.Step 4Making money with CB requires you to learn how best it works. You need aguide which will provide you with the ways to make money with Clickbank.Money is used to make money. Nothing good comes free.

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